Digitalisation and EU Law
Digitalisation and digital spaces have become a vital policy are for the EU. The EU has undertaken a digital reform whereby it aims to digitalise its own institutions, administration and procedures. The EU has also become a regional and a global actor that regulates the new economy created by increasing transactions in digital spaces with policies oriented at protecting fundamental rights of citizens while harvesting the benefits of new technologies. Furthermore, the EU has adopted a wholistic approach through its digital strategy encompassing all elements of digitalisation in an interconnected way and establishing common EU principles and values applicable in this area. This proposal focuses on how digitalization affects EU Law and how EU law responds to increasing digitalization. DIGITEUL aims to share, teach and disseminate the rules and values established by the EU emphasizing the significance and the global impact of the legislation that has been adopted or initiated over the past decade. DIGITEUL will foster teaching and academic discussions on digitalisation and EU law targeting students and academics from the EU, from Türkiye and other candidate countries and ENP as it is crucial to share and generate this knowledge on digitalization and law within and outside the EU as digitalisation is by definition a global phenomenon. Moreover, it will engage private and public stakeholders as EU’s policies and norms have a global influence, and its strategy, principles, norms and policy goals must be shared and discussed with Turkish business associations, civils society and policymakers. The proposal aims to bridge and further the knowledge accumulated in academia with the wider society through a number of activities such as summer schools for law students, certificate programmes for non-lawyer students and young professionals, international academic conferences and seminars and participatory trainings/workshops for private and public stakeholders.